1. Click the button to start the audio and button to stop the audio
2. Use the Preview Progress Bar (top) to move forward or reverse while previewing the audio file
⚬ If a track preview is in-progress and you change the start time, end time, fade-in or fade-out values the track preview will automatically restart
Track Start Options
Start Time
⚬ You can use the start time slider or manually enter the start time. If you enter a start time manually, you will need to click the Apply button for it to take affect.
☆ The start time cannot be past the end time.
Fade In
⚬ Click the Fade In checkbox to enable fading in.
⚬ Enter the fade duration.
☆ Allowed values are 1 to 10.
⚬ Click the Apply button for it to take affect.
Track End Options
End Time
⚬ You can use the end time slider or manually enter the end time. If you enter a end time manually, you will need to click the Apply button for it to take affect.
☆ The end time cannot be before the end time.
Fade Out
⚬ Click the Fade Out checkbox to enable fading out.
⚬ Enter the fade duration.
☆ Allowed values are 1 to 10.
⚬ Click the Apply button for it to take affect.
⚬ You can use the volume/gain slider or manually enter the value. If you enter a value manually, you will need to click the Apply button for it to take affect.
☆ The higher the value you set, the higher the risk is for audio distortion to occur.