Using a Button (Edit Mode)

Using buttons in Edit Mode

The available functions for a button depend on it's current state and if it's mapped to a playlist or an audio file

Listed below are the available options for each state when Edit Mode is Enabled

General Functions in Edit Mode

Drag a button to move it to a new location or to swap positions with another button

Drag a button to the 🗑 to delete it

Click a button to open the button menu

Available Menu Options (depends on button state)

Play - Start audio playback

Pause - Pause audio playback

Resume - Resume audio playback

Queue - Add - Add to Play Queue

Queue - Remove - Remove from Play Queue

Edit - Edit button

Move - Move button

Copy - Copy button

Delete - Delete button

Reset Playlist - Resets the playlist for this button only; resets shuffle if enabled, starts playlist over

Skip Track - Skips to the next item in the playlist


GREEN - Button enabled, no track playing, no mapping issues, not in play queue

Click "Edit" to open the configuration screen

Click "Play" to start the audio

Click "Move", then click a new location to move the button to

Click "Copy", then click a new location to copy the button to

Click "Delete" to delete the button

The menu is slightly different if it is mapped to a playlist

Click "Skip Track" to move to the next track in the playlist
Click "Reset Playlist" to reset the playlist

GREEN - Button enabled, other audio track playing, no mapping issues, not in play queue

Click "Edit" to open the configuration screen

Click "Add to Queue" to add it to the play queue

Click "Move", then click a new location to move the button to

Click "Copy", then click a new location to copy the button to

Click "Delete" to delete the button

When a button is added to the play queue, it is added to the end of the queue
To remove a button from the play queue, click the button again
To skip ahead to the next button/track in the play queue click the FADE button
To re-order the play-queue, click each button as needed to add/remove them until they are in the required order
The menu is slightly different if it is mapped to a playlist
Click "Skip Track" to move to the next track in the playlist
Click "Reset Playlist" to reset the playlist

RED - Button enabled, is playing

Click "Stop" to stop the audio

If you stop the active track, all buttons will be removed from the play queue. Click the FADE button to skip to the next play queue item.

Click "Pause" or "Resume" to pause or resume the track

The menu is slightly different if it is mapped to a playlist

Click "Skip Track" to move to the next track in the playlist

BLUE - Button enabled, other track playing, in play queue

Click "Remove from Queue" to remove it from the play queue

When you remove an item from the play queue, remaining play queue items are moved up in the queue, in the order they were added

Click "Edit" to open the configuration screen

The menu is slightly different if it is mapped to a playlist

Click "Skip Track" to move to the next track in the playlist
Click "Reset Playlist" to reset the playlist

GRAY - Button enabled, issues with button (playlist or audio mapping)

Dark Gray buttons have an issue. The error message is displayed on the button.

Click "Edit" to open the configuration screen

Click "Move", then click a new location to move the button to

Click "Copy", then click a new location to copy the button to

Click "Delete" to delete the button

The menu is slightly different if it is mapped to a playlist

Click "Skip Track" to move to the next track in the playlist
Click "Reset Playlist" to reset the playlist
If the playlist is missing, the menu options will not contain "Reset Playlist" or "Skip Track"

TRANSPARENT/GRAY - Button disabled

Click "Edit" to open the configuration screen

Click "Move", then click a new location to move the button to

Click "Copy", then click a new location to copy the button to

Click "Delete" to delete the button