Setting up a Button

General Setup

1. Long-Press (hold) the button or select the Edit menu item in EDIT mode to enter the button configuration screen

2. Enter a name for the button

This is the name you will see on the button on the main screen

The name field is limited to 200 characters

The title field supports the use of basic HTML styling so you can create custom titles

If you need to use double-quotes in any tags, you must replace them with single-quotes
Visit W3Schools - HTML for more information on how to use HTML tags
Visit W3Schools - UTF Symbols for a list of supported symbols
Visit Unicode - Emojis for a list of supported emojis

Below are a few examples of some supported HTML tags and symbols:

<b>            BOLD
<strong>           STRONG
<i>             ITALIC
<u>            UNDERLINE
<strike>          STRIKE
<small>           SMALL
<big>            BIG
<font color='font color'>    FONT COLOR
<p>            NEW LINE
⛳             &#9971
🤠             &#x1F920

3. Select an Audio File or Playlist

Click Select Audio Track to open the Select Audio Track screen (see below)

Click Select Playlist to open the Select Playlist screen (see below)

4. Enable Button

Click the checkbox to enable or disable the button

5. Enable Tracking

Click the checkbox to enable or disable tracking.

After the media has completed (manually stopped/faded or at the end of the track), the button background will change to yellow showing it's been used.

The tracked status for all buttons is maintained until manually reset.

See the Reset Tracking help section for details on how to reset tracking.

4. Enable Fade-Out on Manual Stop

Click the checkbox to enable or disable the auto fade-out option when manually stopping the audio (clicking the button or clicking "Stop" on the button menu)

This feature will use the Fade On-Stop Duration value that is set in the Global Settings to fade-out the audio when you click the button to stop the audio or click stop on the button menu in EDIT mode.

6. Select a border color (none is the default)

7. Audio values (start/end time, volume/gain, duration) are read-only

8. Cancel/Save/Clear Values/Delete Button

Click Exit Setup to return to the main screen without making changes

Click Save Button to save the button and return to the main screen

Click Clear Fields to clear all of the input fields

Click Delete Button to delete the button and return to the main screen

Selecting an Audio Track (basic)

2. Click Select Audio Track to open the Select Audio Track screen

See the Selecting an Audio File help section for specifics on how to select a file, search for files and options for each track.

Selecting a Playlist

1. Click Select Playlist to open the Select Playlist screen

Only available in the paid version

2. Select a Playlist

Use the dropdown list to select a playlist

Empty playlists will NOT be displayed

3. Button Playlist Options

Click the Continuous Play checkbox to enable continuous play

Continuous play means that all items in the playlist will be played until all items have been played or playback is stopped manually.

Click the Shuffle Playlist checkbox to enable shuffle mode

Shuffle mode will play random tracks from the playlist. Tracks will only be played once until the list is complete and restarted, or the playlist is reset.
Shuffle order is specific to each button

If the button is mapped to a playlist, on the main screen in addition the track name it will also display "1 of 8" (current item # in the playist/# of items in the playlist)

Reset Playlist

1. Click Reset Playlist to reset the status of the selected playlist

The playlist will start over, removing the history of which tracks have already been played

Playlists history and shuffle order are specific to each button

If Shuffle Playlist is enabled, it will be re-shuffled