1. Use the drop down menu and select Settings, then Global Settings
2. Default Custom Logo
⚬ Click Select Logo File to open the select logo screen where you can pick a logo image that will be used as the default for any new presets.
3. Default Home Media Folder
⚬ Click Select Folder to open the select folder screen where you can pick a folder on your device that will be used as the default media folder for any new presets.
4. Default Background Theme
⚬ Use the dropdown list to select a background theme that will be used as the default theme for any new presets.
5. Fade Button Duration
⚬ Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the fade duration when using the Fade button on the main screen
6. Fade On-Stop Duration
⚬ Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the fade duration when stopping a button and the Fade On-Stop option is enabled for the button
7. Enable Re-Click Delay
⚬ Check this box to enable the re-click delay
☆ Re-Click Delay prevents a button that just finished/stopped from being clicked again while the delay duration is active
8. Delay Duration
⚬ Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the re-click delay duration
9. Prevent Screen Lock
⚬ Check this box to enable prevent your device screen from locking automatically
☆ You can still lock the screen manually using the power button at any time