Global Settings

1. Use the drop down menu and select Settings, then Global Settings

2. Default Custom Logo

Click Select Logo File to open the select logo screen where you can pick a logo image that will be used as the default for any new presets.

3. Default Home Media Folder

Click Select Folder to open the select folder screen where you can pick a folder on your device that will be used as the default media folder for any new presets.

4. Default Background Theme

Use the dropdown list to select a background theme that will be used as the default theme for any new presets.

5. Fade Button Duration

Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the fade duration when using the Fade button on the main screen

6. Fade On-Stop Duration

Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the fade duration when stopping a button and the Fade On-Stop option is enabled for the button

7. Enable Re-Click Delay

Check this box to enable the re-click delay

Re-Click Delay prevents a button that just finished/stopped from being clicked again while the delay duration is active

8. Delay Duration

Enter a time, in seconds (1-10) that will used as the re-click delay duration

9. Prevent Screen Lock

Check this box to enable prevent your device screen from locking automatically

You can still lock the screen manually using the power button at any time